Tips to Attract Tenants in a Tough Market

Tips to Attract Tenants in a Tough Market

Renters comprise about 36 percent of U.S. households, equating to almost 123 million people. Property marketing in Atlant, GA can be challenging as housing inventory narrows and more people look for a place to live. You need the best rental property marketing skills to get the best tenants.  

Several ways to attract tenants to a rental property include updating technology, working with a property manager, and offering incentives. 

Here are some of the best tips for rental property marketing in Atlanta, GA. 

Update Technology

Tenants for a rental property want updated technology. Many will seize on a rental unit with smart thermostats, energy-efficient washers, and dryers. As part of your investment property marketing, advertise that these upgrades can save tenants on their monthly electric bills. 

Take it a step further and invest in solar panels! Avoiding an electric bill altogether is a great way to attract tenants to a rental property! Property owners can take advantage of net metering, which sells unused solar energy back to the grid. 

Moreover, consider electric vehicle chargers as part of your rental property marketing plan. A barrier to owning an EV for renters is a lack of garage space with a charger. 

Also, make rent payable through an app. Tenants pay their rent with just a few swipes of their smartphones! 

Work With a Property Manager

A skilled property manager makes managing a rental property much more effortless. Property managers keep tabs on maintenance issues and tenant satisfaction. 

Property managers handle the late-night phone calls when there's a broken pipe or faulty electrical wire. Skilled managers have a list of workers ready to tackle any problem quickly. 

Are your tenants in Atlanta, GA satisfied with their rental experience? A property manager will get to know your tenants and handle any issues. Managing a rental property means building relationships, whether it's a parking space, landscaping, or noisy neighbors. 

Offer Incentives

Do you worry about tenants for your rental property leaving? Offer incentives to get them to stay!

If your tenants are on-time with their rental payments, offer them a discount once each year. Of course, you decide on the amount, but incentives such as these might keep responsible renters from leaving.

Also, should your current tenants refer new tenants, offer them a rental coupon. Again, you set the amount but consider it as a gift card. Good renters know other good renters, so stacking them up at your properties will benefit your rental strategy. 

Less turnover costs you less in the long run.

Property Marketing in a Tough Market

Several property marketing techniques are used in a tough market, including updating technology and using a property manager. Also, consider offering incentives to get good renters to stay longer! 

Are you looking at ways to market your properties in a tough market? Contact us today and let us help you keep your rental units occupied and the money flowing into your investment!
