Choose an Georgia Property Management Company with a Property Condition Evaluation Service




Today we are discussing the importance of working with a property management company that offers a property condition evaluation service for your home. The Tenant Landlord Act in Georgia provides the tenant with the right to quiet enjoyment of the home during the term of their lease. This limits the liberties and the number of visits that can be taken with your property. However, your lease should allow for a formal evaluation to be scheduled with notice to the tenant. This is your opportunity to access the home while the tenant is living there and do an evaluation.  

Evaluation Procedure

A good evaluation requires a professional technician who can audit the home room by room. You’ll want notes on the condition of walls, ceilings and floors and every detail of your property inside and out. The right technician will be trained to look for any indication that unauthorized pets or occupants are living in the house. If the tenant has placed any mats or rugs on the floor, the technician will remove them to make sure stains and damages are not being concealed. 

It’s important to check bathrooms and basements for signs of illegal pot growing or other activities that violate the lease and the law. Check the HVAC filters to make sure the tenant is following the lease and changing them regularly to prevent future issues with the heating and cooling system. Technicians are also trained to look for safety issues such as loose stairs and broken deck boards. Smoke detectors will be tested to make sure they work.

Evaluation Report

After the evaluation, your property management company will be provided with a thorough report and several photos. As an owner, this will give you peace of mind that your home is being taken care of. Or, it can alert you to the fact that some things need to be taken care of immediately so you aren’t shocked by huge bills when your tenant moves out.  


If you would like to discuss further the importance of property evaluations, please free to contact us at Solutions Realty Network  today!


